At Teach To The Brain LLC we provide the professional development, teaching strategies and related resources that can easily be put to use to create and maintain a brain responsive learning environment. We show you how to incorporate the 12 Essential Brain Responsive Elements™ which are the foundation for success and learning. We also provide 1,001 teaching strategies and more, that will collectively impact the effectiveness of the learning experience and consequently enhance the overall skills and talents of the individuals you serve.
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Brain responsive learning is a research based, multidisciplinary approach to the question of how our brain learns and responds best. It's grounded in neuroscience and ask the question: How does our brain learn effectively? We must investigate and implement the best, most effective strategies to use with individuals we teach, parent, coach and lead. Integrating insights from a variety of sciences including: anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, physiology, neurology, psychology, and pharmacology, we must take into consideration the sum of these disciplines while providing the most comprehensive and accurate framework of the conditions under which the brain learns best.
Hello! I'm Mary Appleget, teacher, parent, coach and leader. I'm intrigued with learning and how the process makes us better and more productive. I'm fascinated with the brain's ability to adapt and cope with life's stressors. I've spent my career working with learners of all kind and now hope to share my knowledge with you and your team. Join the Brain Academe's membership site and receive the following in return...
The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.
Professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective.
Assistance with, especially educationally; enable to function or act.
Plans of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
Stock or supply of materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.
The action of leading a group of people or an organization.
The instructional challenges facing teachers, parents, coaches and leaders today are complex to say the least. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ remedy. However, at Teach To The Brain LLC we contend that the most common issue relevant to all and to all learning environments is the brain itself. Recent brain research has cast new light on the brain and how it learns. Many of the teaching strategies and methods that exist today are aligned with these new findings. Others will simply require instructors to adapt and modify skills they already use in small but powerful ways.
While the objectives and standards of what to teach are usually set in place, the execution and assessment of those standards can be creatively orchestrated and implemented by the artist we all know as the “teacher.” Why? Because we lose students when we don’t!
What does current brain research tell us?
A Blueprint for Creating Desire and Success in the Learning Environment!
Brain Responsive Strategies for The Genius Inside
Brain Responsive
The goal is to learn from those that are brain-minded and heart-minded; that means to learn from those who demonstrate thought provoking teachings and stimulate innovative and creative instruction. Professionals in their field courageously taught and shared their genius with you, speaking these ideas and words. Do the same. Feed it forward to those who don’t know...
Mary and Jon Appleget, CoFounders and Hosts Teach to the Brain LLC and Brain Academe™
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